It is amazing how many ways our concept of God is really just a grossly distorted caricature of who He really is. A servant in one of Jesus’ parables says to his master: “I was afraid of you, because you are a severe man.” (Luke 19:21) Tragically that’s how many Christians really feel about God, even...
In spite of all of its benefits, our modern western world-view has its flaws. One of them is its complete ignorance of anything beyond the physical world. The last thing a fish is aware of it water; the last thing we are aware of is our own world-view. It’s so natural; so pervasive. It’s the “given”...
It’s fascinating to visit websites that debunk “urban myths.” But when it comes to God the real source for debunking “urban myths” is not some website; it’s the scriptures. Here’s a common myth about God: “The God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath, but in the New Testament, Jesus shows us a God...
“Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O LORD, and whom You teach out of your law, (Psalm 94:12–13 ) The phrase, “whom You teach out of your law,” stands out because it is such an important concept. Here’s why: God thinks differently than we do: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your...
My wife and I sat down in the seats of an auditorium and noticed that the woman to the right had a small baby-stroller in front of her. I did a double-take when I noticed that the occupant of the stroller was not a baby, but a little fuzzy haired terrier. It was sitting quietly while...
“The heavens declare the glory of God,” but so does all the life with which He fills the earth. Today man is manipulating the living things in God’s creation, but life itself still comes from God. As mankind we are quite proud of our ability to produce food for the world. But in spite of the...
In his famous poem, Invictus, William Ernest Henley writes: I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. . . . I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. This was a favorite poem of Nelson Mandella, the first African president of the Republic of South Africa, and he...
I often exhort folks to read the Word of God for themselves. The most common response that I get is, “When I try to read the bible, I don’t seem to get much out of it.” Every person who is well-versed in the scriptures started out with exactly that same feeling. So my advice is: “Keep...